CAT Question Paper | CAT Verbal Ability Slot
Question :

On the basis of information in the passage, which one of the following is NOT a reason for the failure of policies seeking to address climate change?

Started 5 months ago by Shashank in

Option C is the correct answer.

Explanatory Answer


Only option C does not relate to why policies seeking to address climate change fail.


The reasons mentioned in options A and D are stated in the last few lines: 'He shows the extent of the vested interest in the oil economy – not only for oil-exporting countries, but also for a superpower like the US that controls oil drilling, oil prices and oil movement around the world. Many of us know power utilities are sabotaging decentralised solar power generation today because it hits their revenues and control'.


Option B, too, is mentioned:'There have always been challenges to the way European colonialists looked at other civilisations and at Earth. It is just that the invaders and their myriad backers...have dominated global intellectual discourse. . . . There are other points of view that we can hear today if we listen hard enough...'


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