CAT Question Paper | CAT Verbal Ability Slot
Question :

All of the following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT:

Started 3 weeks ago by a in

Option C is the correct answer.

Explanatory Answer

All options except C are inferred from the passage. The passage does not state or imply that 'most' human phenomena result from culture and individual choice and only some by biogeographic factors. The main idea of the passage is that human phenomena are influenced both by geographic factors and by non-geographic factors and that denouncing geographic determinism is nonsensical.

Option A is inferred from the lines,'...the Australian continent has no domesticable native animal species and few domesticable native plant species. Instead, the crops and domestic animals that now make Australia a food and wool exporter are all non-native (mainly Eurasian) species such as sheep, wheat, and grapes, brought to Australia by overseas colonists.'

Option B is inferred from the line, 'The development of warm fur clothes among the Inuit living north of the Arctic Circle was not because one influential Inuit leader persuaded other Inuit in 1783 to adopt warm fur clothes, for no good environmental reason.'

Option D is inferred from the lines, 'One reason is that some geographic explanations advanced a century ago were racist, thereby causing all geographic explanations to become tainted by racist associations in the minds of many scholars other than geographers. But many genetic, historical, psychological, and anthropological explanations advanced a century ago were also racist...'

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