Fill in the Blank

Started 9 months ago by Riya in XAT, XAT Verbal and Logical Ability, Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks meaningfully, in the following excerpt, from the given options. The most commonly________ systems of morality,...


Fill in the blanks meaningfully, in the following excerpt, from the given options.

The most commonly________ systems of morality, when taken to their logical conclusion, extend their tentacles to every choice. Just as _____ sins can be forgiven, so in practice some acts are exempt from moral scrutiny. But that is only in virtue of ad hoc intellectual_____ with which moral systems insulate themselves from their more repugnant______.

a Defended, venial, acrobatics, implications


b Argued, venal, calculations, thoughts


c Used, minor, gymnastics, accusations


d Abhorred, mortal, acrobatics, consequences


e Defensive, ordinary, insanity, implication


Tags: xat

1 Replies

  • Replied 9 months ago


    Option A is the correct answer. “Sins” can be either mortal/serious or minor/venial. The ones that can be forgiven can only be “venial”. Intellectual acrobatics/gymnastics is a commonly used expression to indicate the use of intellectual arguments made in bad faith. And a system of thought, when explained with intellectual acrobatics, will have repugnant (loathsome) implications.