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The sum of 2n terms of A.P {1, 5, 9, 13.....} is greater than sum of n terms of A.B = [56, 58, 60...) What is the smallest value n can take? A. 9 | Correct Answer A. 619 | | Explanation | Gc 12 oe ai | Video Solution BD. 14 .
Sum of first 12 terms of a GP is equal te the sum of the first 14 terms in the same GP. Sum of the first 17 terms is 92, what is the third term In the GP? A G2 Conect Answer B. -92 ——_— | Explinatian C. 46 ae DB 291
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Vocabulary Quiz
Hey All . This is a special Thread for Vocabulary Quiz , Fastest and the most accurate candidate gets one of my favoroite books to read . Cheers Happy comme...
VARC Preparation
Started 1 year ago in CAT, CAT Data Interpretation, Games and Tournament
LRDI. games and tournaments, Chess
In an 8 X 8 chessboard a queen placed anywhere can attack another piece if the piece is present in the same row, or in the same column or in any diagonal po...
Started 1 year ago in CAT, CAT Verbal Ability, Paracompletion
Para completion
It had long been presumed that stone tool-making was a hallmark of our ______________, Homo. _______________,the recent discovery, in northwestern Kenya, of...