CAT Question Paper | CAT Verbal Ability Slot
Question :

In an election, there were four candidates and 80% of the registered voters casted their votes. One of the candidates received 30% of the casted votes while the other three candidates received the remaining casted votes in the proportion 1 : 2 : 3. If the winner of the election received 2512 votes more than the candidate with the second highest votes, then the number of registered voters was

Started 5 months ago by Shashank in

Option D is the correct answer.

Explanatory Answer

One candidate got 30% of the polled votes, the remaining three got in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3
The polled votes were split in 3 : 7 ratio.
The 70% of them were again split in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3
The votes were polled in the ratio of 6(3) : 7(1 : 2 : 3)
18 : 7 : 14 : 21
Let’s assume that the actual polled votes are 18x, 7x, 14x, 21x
The winner of the election received 2512 votes more than the candidate with the second highest votes.
21x - 18x = 2512
3x = 2512
Total polled votes = 18x + 7x + 14x + 21x = 60x = 20(3x) = 20(2512) = 50,240
The polled votes represent 80% of the total registered votes.
Total registered votes = 50,240 + 12,560 = 62,800.

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