CAT Question Paper | CAT Verbal Ability Slot
Question :

Which one of the following statements is NOT supported by the passage?

Started 6 months ago by Shashank in

Option is the correct answer.

Explanatory Answer


Option A is the opposite of what the passage states: 'Recent attempts to characterize romanticism and to stress its contemporary relevance follow this path. Instead of overlooking the undeniable differences between the variety of romanticisms of different nations that Lovejoy had stressed, such studies..." So, option A is not supported by the passage.


Option B is true, based on the line:'Another challenge for any attempt to characterize romantic aesthetics lies in the fact that most of the romantics were poets and artists whose views of art and beauty are, for the most part, to be found not in developed theoretical accounts, but in fragments, aphorisms and poems...'


Option C is true, too: 'However, many of the romantics rejected the identification of aesthetics with a circumscribed domain of human life that is separated from the practical and theoretical domains of life.'


Option D is true, based on the line,'Nevertheless, in spite of these challenges the task of characterizing romantic aesthetics is neither impossible nor undesirable, as numerous thinkers responding to Lovejoy's radical skepticism have noted.'


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