CAT Question Paper | CAT Verbal Ability Slot
Question :

Which one of the following statements, if true, would weaken the author's claim that humans are musicking creatures?


Started 5 months ago by Shashank in

Option is the correct answer.

Explanatory Answer

According to the passage, the history of music’s emergence was “at once sociocultural and biological” and because musicking arises from innate dispositions, it is a primary, shared trait of modern humans. Option A states that musical capabilities are “primarily” socio-cultural, which is why there are diverse forms of music. If option A were true it would weaken the author's claim about the emergence of music.
The passage does not make any claims that musicking is key to human survival. So, option B, even if true, does not affect the author's claim. Same is the case with option C. The author does not talk about the order in which music, language or symbol-making capabilities emerged. The passage says that "capacities involved in musicking are many and take shape in complicated ways, arising from innate dispositions...". So, option D, if true, supports the author's arguments.

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