CAT Question Paper | CAT Verbal Ability Slot
Question :

Which one of the following statements, if false, could be seen as contradicting the facts/arguments in the passage?


Started 5 months ago by Shashank in

Option is the correct answer.

Explanatory Answer

Double negative question. As it is easier to analyze options based on what is true than what is false, we could re-frame the question. A statement which, if false, contradicts the arguments of the passage is one that if true, supports the given arguments.

Option A, if true, supports the arguments of the passage: “The Epicureans, first associated with the Greek philosopher Epicurus . . . held a similar view, believing that people should enjoy simple pleasures, such as good conversation, friendship, food, and wine, but not be indulgent in these pursuits”. So, option A is the answer we are looking for.
Now, other options, if true, contradict the passage, as seen below.

The last paragraph explains how medication and cultivating the right attitude can help one distance from emotions and control them. So, option B, if true, contradicts the passage.

The passage says that "In the Stoic view, choosing a reasoned, unemotional response as the second movement is the only appropriate response". Option C talks about a reasoned, unemotional response as the first movement. If true, option C contradicts the passage.

The first line of the passage says that Stoicism (not Zeno) survived into the Roman era until about AD 300. So, option D, too is incorrect.

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