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Previous Year Questions


    The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.

    People view idleness as a sin and industriousness as a virtue, and in the process have developed an unsatisfactory relationship with their jobs. Work has become a way for them to keep busy, even though many find their work meaningless. In their need for activity people undertake what was once considered work (fishing, gardening) as hobbies. The opposing view is that hard work has made us prosperous and improved our levels of health and education. It has also brought innovation and labour and time-saving devices, which have lessened life's drudgery.



    Option D is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The paragraph given presents two opposing views on hard work. In one view, hard work has led to meaningless jobs as people strive to keep busy at all costs, while in the opposing view, hard work has brought about innovation and comfort. Option D sums up the paragraph well.

    Option A is incorrect, as it states that hard work has 'led to greater idleness'. The paragraph does not say so.

    Option B presents a one-sided view and is hence incorrect.

    The paragraph does not talk about the importance of leisure time. So, option C is also incorrect.


    Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:

    1. A typical example is Wikipedia, where the overwhelming majority of contributors are male and so the available content is skewed to reflect their interests.

    2. Without diversity of thought and representation, society is left with a distorted picture of future options, which are likely to result in augmenting existing inequalities.

    3. Gross gender inequality in the technology sector is problematic, not only for the industry-wide marginalisation of women, but because technology designs embody the values of their makers.

    4. While redressing unequal representation in the workplace is a step in the right direction, broader social change is needed to address the structural inequalities embedded within the current organisation of work and employment.

    5. If technology merely reflects the perspectives of the male stereotype, then new technologies are unlikely to accommodate the diverse social contexts within which they operate.



    Answer : The answer is '4'

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    Explanatory Answer

    While all other sentences are about gender inequality in the technology sector and its impact on society, sentence 4 is more general, about structural inequalities in the current organisation of work and employment.

    3512 makes a cogent paragraph, with 3 stating the main idea of the paragraph, 5 adding on to 3, 1 citing an example to support 5 and 2 concluding the paragraph.


    The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer:

    1. It is regimes of truth that make certain relationships speakable - relationships, like subjectivities, are constituted through discursive formations, which sustain regimes of truth.

    2. Relationships are nothing without the communication that brings them into being; interpersonal communication is connected to knowledge shared by interlocutors, and scholars should attend to relational histories in their analyses.

    3. A Foucauldian approach to relationships goes beyond these conceptions of discourse and history to macrolevel regimes of truth as constituting relationships.

    4. Reconsidering micropractices within relationships that are constituted within and simultaneously contributors to regimes of truth acknowledges the central position of power/knowledge in the constitution of what has come to be considered true and real.



    Answer : The answer is '2314'

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    Explanatory Answer

    Sentence 2 offers the best start to the paragraph and talks about the importance of relational histories in the analysis of interpersonal communication. Sentences 1, 3 and 4 relate to the idea of 'regimes of truth', which is first introduced in 3, which talks about a Foucaldian approach going beyond the existing conceptions of discourse and history. So, 3 follows 2. Sentence 1 expands on 'regimes of truth' and how they make relationships speakable and sustain them. Sentence 4 adds to 1 and concludes the paragraph.


    Five jumbled up sentences, related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd one out and key in the number of the sentence as your answer:

    1. They often include a foundation course on navigating capitalism with Chinese characteristics and have replaced typical cases from US corporates with a focus on how Western theories apply to China's buzzing local firms.

    2. The best Chinese business schools look like their Western rivals but are now growing distinct in terms of what they teach and the career boost they offer.

    3. Western schools have enhanced their offerings with double degrees, popular with domestic and overseas students alike-and boosted the prestige of their Chinese partners.

    4. For students, a big draw is the chance to rub shoulders with captains of China's private sector.

    5. Their business courses now largely cater to the growing demand from China Inc which has become more global, richer and ready to recruit from this sinocentric student body.



    Answer : The answer is '3'

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    Explanatory Answer

    While all other sentences relate to Chinese business schools and the courses they offer, sentence 3 relates to Western schools and their offerings. So, 3 is the odd one out.

    2514 makes a cogent paragraph, with 2 opening the paragraph stating how Chinese schools are growing distinct from their Western counterparts, 5 and 1 adding to 2 in terms of the courses offered and 4 concluding the paragraph with the additional incentive that these schools provide Chinese students.


    The passage below is accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

    Back in the early 2000s, an awesome thing happened in the New X-Men comics. Our mutant heroes had been battling giant robots called Sentinels for years, but suddenly these mechanical overlords spawned a new threat: Nano-Sentinels! Not content to rule Earth with their metal fists, these tiny robots invaded our bodies at the microscopic level. Infected humans were slowly converted into machines, cell by cell.

    Now, a new wave of extremely odd robots is making at least part of the Nano-Sentinels story come true. Using exotic fabrication materials like squishy hydrogels and elastic polymers, researchers are making autonomous devices that are often tiny and that could turn out to be more powerful than an army of Terminators. Some are 1-centimetre blobs that can skate over water. Others are flat sheets that can roll themselves into tubes, or matchstick-sized plastic coils that act as powerful muscles. No, they won't be invading our bodies and turning us into Sentinels - which I personally find a little disappointing - but some of them could one day swim through our bloodstream to heal us. They could also clean up pollutants in water or fold themselves into different kinds of vehicles for us to drive. . . .

    Unlike a traditional robot, which is made of mechanical parts, these new kinds of robots are made from molecular parts. The principle is the same: both are devices that can move around and do things independently. But a robot made from smart materials might be nothing more than a pink drop of hydrogel. Instead of gears and wires, it's assembled from two kinds of molecules - some that love water and some that avoid it - which interact to allow the bot to skate on top of a pond.

    Sometimes these materials are used to enhance more conventional robots. One team of researchers, for example, has developed a different kind of hydrogel that becomes sticky when exposed to a low-voltage zap of electricity and then stops being sticky when the electricity is switched off. This putty-like gel can be pasted right onto the feet or wheels of a robot. When the robot wants to climb a sheer wall or scoot across the ceiling, it can activate its sticky feet with a few volts. Once it is back on a flat surface again, the robot turns off the adhesive like a light switch.

    Robots that are wholly or partly made of gloop aren't the future that I was promised in science fiction. But it's definitely the future I want. I'm especially keen on the nanometre-scale "soft robots" that could one day swim through our bodies. Metin Sitti, a director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany, worked with colleagues to prototype these tiny, synthetic beasts using various stretchy materials, such as simple rubber, and seeding them with magnetic microparticles. They are assembled into a finished shape by applying magnetic fields. The results look like flowers or geometric shapes made from Tinkertoy ball and stick modelling kits. They're guided through tubes of fluid using magnets, and can even stop and cling to the sides of a tube.




    Which one of the following statements best summarises the central point of the passage?

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The central idea of the passage is that nano-robots, which were once part of science fiction and comics, have now come true, with scientific researchers making such autonomous devices from molecular parts. Option A is the correct choice.

    Options B and D state some ideas from the passage, but not the central idea.


    Which one of the following statements best captures the sense of the first paragraph?

    Option D is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    About the New X-Men, the first paragraph says that 'Our mutant heroes had been battling giant robots called Sentinels for years, but suddenly these mechanical overlords spawned a new threat: Nano-Sentinels!' So, option D is true


    Which one of the following scenarios, if false, could be seen as supporting the passage?

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Trickily worded question. The scenario which if false, supports the passage is one that if true, is against the passage.


    Of Nano-Sentinels, the passage states that 'No, they won't be invading our bodies and turning us into Sentinels'. That is, these Nano-Sentinel robots do not turn the body they are injected into to robots. So, option A, if true, goes against the passage. Hence, this is the correct answer choice.


    The passage states that Nano-sentinels are ' assembled from two kinds of molecules - some that love water and some that avoid it'. So, option B is in line with the passage.


    That robots made from smart materials are likely to become part of our everyday lives in the future is the central idea of the passage. So, C is also in line with the passage.


    In the fourth paragraph, the passage discusses hydrogels and their applications. So, D is also in line with the passage.



    Which one of the following statements, if true, would be the most direct extension of the arguments in the passage?

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Option A is the direct extension of 'some of them could one day swim through our bloodstream to heal us. They could also clean up pollutants in water or fold themselves into different kinds of vehicles for us to drive.'


    Which one of the following statements best summarises the central point of the passage?

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The central idea of the passage is that nano-robots, which were once part of science fiction and comics, have now come true, with scientific researchers making such autonomous devices from molecular parts. Option A is the correct choice.

    Options B and D state some ideas from the passage, but not the central idea.


    Which one of the following statements best captures the sense of the first paragraph?

    Option D is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    About the New X-Men, the first paragraph says that 'Our mutant heroes had been battling giant robots called Sentinels for years, but suddenly these mechanical overlords spawned a new threat: Nano-Sentinels!' So, option D is true


    Which one of the following scenarios, if false, could be seen as supporting the passage?

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Trickily worded question. The scenario which if false, supports the passage is one that if true, is against the passage.


    Of Nano-Sentinels, the passage states that 'No, they won't be invading our bodies and turning us into Sentinels'. That is, these Nano-Sentinel robots do not turn the body they are injected into to robots. So, option A, if true, goes against the passage. Hence, this is the correct answer choice.


    The passage states that Nano-sentinels are ' assembled from two kinds of molecules - some that love water and some that avoid it'. So, option B is in line with the passage.


    That robots made from smart materials are likely to become part of our everyday lives in the future is the central idea of the passage. So, C is also in line with the passage.


    In the fourth paragraph, the passage discusses hydrogels and their applications. So, D is also in line with the passage.



    Which one of the following statements, if true, would be the most direct extension of the arguments in the passage?

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Option A is the direct extension of 'some of them could one day swim through our bloodstream to heal us. They could also clean up pollutants in water or fold themselves into different kinds of vehicles for us to drive.'


    On the basis of the information in the passage, Pinker and Chomsky may disagree with each other on which one of the following points?

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Note the line: 'Unlike Mr. Chomsky, Mr. Pinker firmly places the wiring of the brain for language within the framework of Darwinian natural selection and evolution.' So, Pinker and Chomsky may disagree on the Darwinian explanatory paradigm for language.


    According to the passage, all of the following are true about the language instinct EXCEPT that:

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The question asks us to pick an option which is not true.

    According to the passage, Pinker 'effectively disposes of all claims that intelligent nonhuman primates like chimps have any abilities to learn and use language.' So, option A is not true (and hence the correct answer choice).

    Option B is the exact opposite of A, and clearly true, as seen above.

    According to the passage, a half-century ago, Chomsky/Pinker's idea of universal grammar 'would have been pooh-poohed as a "black box" theory' but 'neurosurgeons [have now found that this] "black box" is situated in and around Broca's area, on the left side of the forebrain'. So, option C is true.

    The passage states that, according to Pinker, '....the "language instinct," when it first appeared among our most distant hominid ancestors, must have given them a selective reproductive advantage over their competitors (including the ancestral chimps)'. So, option D is also true.


    From the passage, it can be inferred that all of the following are true about Pinker's book, "The Language Instinct", EXCEPT that Pinker:

    Option D is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    In the last paragraph, the passage states that Pinker's proposition that the roots of language must be in the genes will 'undoubtedly raise the hackles of some behavioral psychologists and anthropologists, for it apparently contradicts the liberal idea that human behavior may be changed for the better by improvements in culture and environment'. So, Pinker's position is at variance with that of behavioural psychologists. Option D is not true about Pinker's book.

    According to the passage, while Chomsky's book was full of 'theoretical linguistics, in discourse so opaque that it was nearly incomprehensible even to some scholars', Pinker's book is 'brilliant, witty and altogether satisfying'. So, option A is true.

    That Pinker disagrees with Chomsky on some grounds is mentioned in the last line of the first paragraph, as well as in the third paragraph, where the passage states that 'Unlike Mr. Chomsky, Mr. Pinker firmly places the wiring of the brain for language within the framework of Darwinian natural selection and evolution'. So, option B is true.

    Pinker's book, according to the passage, 'has brought Mr. Chomsky's findings to everyman'. So, option C is also true.


    The passage below is accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

    Starting in 1957, [Noam Chomsky] proclaimed a new doctrine: Language, that most human of all attributes, was innate. The grammatical faculty was built into the infant brain, and your average 3-year-old was not a mere apprentice in the great enterprise of absorbing English from his or her parents, but a "linguistic genius." Since this message was couched in terms of Chomskyan theoretical linguistics, in discourse so opaque that it was nearly incomprehensible even to some scholars, many people did not hear it. Now, in a brilliant, witty and altogether satisfying book, Mr. Chomsky's colleague Steven Pinker . . . has brought Mr. Chomsky's findings to everyman. In "The Language Instinct" he has gathered persuasive data from such diverse fields as cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology and speech therapy to make his points, and when he disagrees with Mr. Chomsky he tells you so. . . .

    For Mr. Chomsky and Mr. Pinker, somewhere in the human brain there is a complex set of neural circuits that have been programmed with "super-rules" (making up what Mr. Chomsky calls "universal grammar"), and that these rules are unconscious and instinctive. A half-century ago, this would have been pooh-poohed as a "black box" theory, since one could not actually pinpoint this grammatical faculty in a specific part of the brain, or describe its functioning. But now things are different. Neurosurgeons [have now found that this] "black box" is situated in and around Broca's area, on the left side of the forebrain. . . .

    Unlike Mr. Chomsky, Mr. Pinker firmly places the wiring of the brain for language within the framework of Darwinian natural selection and evolution. He effectively disposes of all claims that intelligent nonhuman primates like chimps have any abilities to learn and use language. It is not that chimps lack the vocal apparatus to speak; it is just that their brains are unable to produce or use grammar. On the other hand, the "language instinct," when it first appeared among our most distant hominid ancestors, must have given them a selective reproductive advantage over their competitors (including the ancestral chimps). . . .

    So according to Mr. Pinker, the roots of language must be in the genes, but there cannot be a "grammar gene" any more than there can be a gene for the heart or any other complex body structure. This proposition will undoubtedly raise the hackles of some behavioral psychologists and anthropologists, for it apparently contradicts the liberal idea that human behavior may be changed for the better by improvements in culture and environment, and it might seem to invite the twin bugaboos of biological determinism and racism. Yet Mr. Pinker stresses one point that should allay such fears. Even though there are 4,000 to 6,000 languages today, they are all sufficiently alike to be considered one language by an extraterrestrial observer. In other words, most of the diversity of the world's cultures, so beloved to anthropologists, is superficial and minor compared to the similarities. Racial differences are literally only "skin deep." The fundamental unity of humanity is the theme of Mr. Chomsky's universal grammar, and of this exciting book.




    Which one of the following statements best summarises the author's position about Pinker's book?

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The author calls Pinker's book 'brilliant, witty and altogether satisfying'. In response to the claim that the book is racist, the author states that Pinkers stresses on the 'fundamental unity of humanity' and 'the universal grammar' of language- the universality of 'the language instinct', in other words, to counter such claims. So, option B is the right choice.

    Option C is the exact opposite of the author's position.

    According to the passage, Pinker argues that though chimps have the vocal apparatus to speak, their brains, unlike human brains, are unable to produce grammar as chimps do not have the 'language instinct'. The author agrees with Pinker's view, so option A is incorrect.

    Again, option D is also incorrect, based on the last paragraph. The author says that while some behavioral psychologists and anthropologists believe human behavior may be changed for the better by improvements in culture and environment, Pinker's position (one that the author agrees with) is that the roots of language are in the genes.


    According to the passage, all of the following are true about the language instinct EXCEPT that:

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The question asks us to pick an option which is not true.

    According to the passage, Pinker 'effectively disposes of all claims that intelligent nonhuman primates like chimps have any abilities to learn and use language.' So, option A is not true (and hence the correct answer choice).

    Option B is the exact opposite of A, and clearly true, as seen above.

    According to the passage, a half-century ago, Chomsky/Pinker's idea of universal grammar 'would have been pooh-poohed as a "black box" theory' but 'neurosurgeons [have now found that this] "black box" is situated in and around Broca's area, on the left side of the forebrain'. So, option C is true.

    The passage states that, according to Pinker, '....the "language instinct," when it first appeared among our most distant hominid ancestors, must have given them a selective reproductive advantage over their competitors (including the ancestral chimps)'. So, option D is also true.


    From the passage, it can be inferred that all of the following are true about Pinker's book, "The Language Instinct", EXCEPT that Pinker:

    Option D is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    In the last paragraph, the passage states that Pinker's proposition that the roots of language must be in the genes will 'undoubtedly raise the hackles of some behavioral psychologists and anthropologists, for it apparently contradicts the liberal idea that human behavior may be changed for the better by improvements in culture and environment'. So, Pinker's position is at variance with that of behavioural psychologists. Option D is not true about Pinker's book.

    According to the passage, while Chomsky's book was full of 'theoretical linguistics, in discourse so opaque that it was nearly incomprehensible even to some scholars', Pinker's book is 'brilliant, witty and altogether satisfying'. So, option A is true.

    That Pinker disagrees with Chomsky on some grounds is mentioned in the last line of the first paragraph, as well as in the third paragraph, where the passage states that 'Unlike Mr. Chomsky, Mr. Pinker firmly places the wiring of the brain for language within the framework of Darwinian natural selection and evolution'. So, option B is true.

    Pinker's book, according to the passage, 'has brought Mr. Chomsky's findings to everyman'. So, option C is also true.


    On the basis of the information in the passage, Pinker and Chomsky may disagree with each other on which one of the following points?

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Note the line: 'Unlike Mr. Chomsky, Mr. Pinker firmly places the wiring of the brain for language within the framework of Darwinian natural selection and evolution.' So, Pinker and Chomsky may disagree on the Darwinian explanatory paradigm for language.


    Which one of the following statements best summarises the author's position about Pinker's book?

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The author calls Pinker's book 'brilliant, witty and altogether satisfying'. In response to the claim that the book is racist, the author states that Pinkers stresses on the 'fundamental unity of humanity' and 'the universal grammar' of language- the universality of 'the language instinct', in other words, to counter such claims. So, option B is the right choice.

    Option C is the exact opposite of the author's position.

    According to the passage, Pinker argues that though chimps have the vocal apparatus to speak, their brains, unlike human brains, are unable to produce grammar as chimps do not have the 'language instinct'. The author agrees with Pinker's view, so option A is incorrect.

    Again, option D is also incorrect, based on the last paragraph. The author says that while some behavioral psychologists and anthropologists believe human behavior may be changed for the better by improvements in culture and environment, Pinker's position (one that the author agrees with) is that the roots of language are in the genes.


    The passage below is accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

    Keeping time accurately comes with a price. The maximum accuracy of a clock is directly related to how much disorder, or entropy, it creates every time it ticks. Natalia Ares at the University of Oxford and her colleagues made this discovery using a tiny clock with an accuracy that can be controlled. The clock consists of a 50-nanometre-thick membrane of silicon nitride, vibrated by an electric current. Each time the membrane moved up and down once and then returned to its original position, the researchers counted a tick, and the regularity of the spacing between the ticks represented the accuracy of the clock. The researchers found that as they increased the clock's accuracy, the heat produced in the system grew, increasing the entropy of its surroundings by jostling nearby particles . . . "If a clock is more accurate, you are paying for it somehow," says Ares. In this case, you pay for it by pouring more ordered energy into the clock, which is then converted into entropy. "By measuring time, we are increasing the entropy of the universe," says Ares. The more entropy there is in the universe, the closer it may be to its eventual demise. "Maybe we should stop measuring time," says Ares. The scale of the additional entropy is so small, though, that there is no need to worry about its effects, she says.

    The increase in entropy in timekeeping may be related to the "arrow of time", says Marcus Huber at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, who was part of the research team. It has been suggested that the reason that time only flows forward, not in reverse, is that the total amount of entropy in the universe is constantly increasing, creating disorder that cannot be put in order again.

    The relationship that the researchers found is a limit on the accuracy of a clock, so it doesn't mean that a clock that creates the most possible entropy would be maximally accurate - hence a large, inefficient grandfather clock isn't more precise than an atomic clock. "It's a bit like fuel use in a car. Just because I'm using more fuel doesn't mean that I'm going faster or further," says Huber.

    When the researchers compared their results with theoretical models developed for clocks that rely on quantum effects, they were surprised to find that the relationship between accuracy and entropy seemed to be the same for both. . . . We can't be sure yet that these results are actually universal, though, because there are many types of clocks for which the relationship between accuracy and entropy haven't been tested. "It's still unclear how this principle plays out in real devices such as atomic clocks, which push the ultimate quantum limits of accuracy," says Mark Mitchison at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. Understanding this relationship could be helpful for designing clocks in the future, particularly those used in quantum computers and other devices where both accuracy and temperature are crucial, says Ares. This finding could also help us understand more generally how the quantum world and the classical world are similar and different in terms of thermodynamics and the passage of time.




    "It's a bit like fuel use in a car. Just because I'm using more fuel doesn't mean that I'm going faster or further . . ." What is the purpose of this example?

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Note what the passage says before citing the example of fuel usage in a car: 'The relationship that the researchers found is a limit on the accuracy of a clock, so it doesn't mean that a clock that creates the most possible entropy would be maximally accurate'. Just as increased fuel usage in a car does not imply that it is going faster or farther, increased entropy does not mean increased accuracy.


    The author makes all of the following arguments in the passage, EXCEPT that:

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The official answer key says option B but we believe the right option is C.

    The author does not say there is no difference in accuracy between a grandfather clock and an atomic clock. In fact he clearly states the opposite: '...a large, inefficient grandfather clock isn't more precise than an atomic clock.' So, option C is not an argument made in the passage.

    On the other hand, option B is an argument the author makes in the first paragraph: '..the researchers found that as they increased the clock's accuracy, the heat produced in the system grew, increasing the entropy of its surroundings by jostling nearby particles . . . "If a clock is more accurate, you are paying for it somehow," says Ares.'

    Options A and D are easily verified to be true, based on the lines 'The relationship that the researchers found is a limit on the accuracy of a clock, so it doesn't mean that a clock that creates the most possible entropy would be maximally accurate', and 'Understanding this relationship could be helpful for designing clocks in the future, particularly those used in quantum computers and other devices where both accuracy and temperature are crucial...'.


    Which one of the following sets of words and phrases serves best as keywords of the passage?

    Option C is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    'Measuring time', 'accuracy' and 'entropy' are key ideas in the passage. None of the given options but C mentions 'measuring time', which is what the passage is about.


    None of the following statements can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that:

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    'None of the following statements can be inferred except...' implies only one of the given statements can be inferred. According to the passage, 'Keeping time accurately comes with a price. The maximum accuracy of a clock is directly related to how much disorder, or entropy, it creates every time it ticks.' Since quantum computers are, according to the passage, 'devices where both accuracy and temperature are crucial', it can be inferred that quantum computers are likely to produce more heat and, hence, more entropy, because of the emphasis on accuracy. So, option B is the correct answer choice.

    The passage only states that the 'arrow of time' may be related to increase in entropy in time keeping. Whether or not the arrow of time has been tested for atomic clocks cannot be inferred based on the information given in the passage.

    According to the passage, higher accuracy in timekeeping leads to more heat and more entropy. The converse, however, is not necessarily true. So, option C, too, cannot be inferred.

    In the experiment, the clock with a 50-nanometre-thick membrane of silicon nitride has been made to vibrate, using (not producing) electric currents. So, option D is incorrect.


    "It's a bit like fuel use in a car. Just because I'm using more fuel doesn't mean that I'm going faster or further . . ." What is the purpose of this example?

    Option A is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Note what the passage says before citing the example of fuel usage in a car: 'The relationship that the researchers found is a limit on the accuracy of a clock, so it doesn't mean that a clock that creates the most possible entropy would be maximally accurate'. Just as increased fuel usage in a car does not imply that it is going faster or farther, increased entropy does not mean increased accuracy.


    The author makes all of the following arguments in the passage, EXCEPT that:

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The official answer key says option B but we believe the right option is C.

    The author does not say there is no difference in accuracy between a grandfather clock and an atomic clock. In fact he clearly states the opposite: '...a large, inefficient grandfather clock isn't more precise than an atomic clock.' So, option C is not an argument made in the passage.

    On the other hand, option B is an argument the author makes in the first paragraph: '..the researchers found that as they increased the clock's accuracy, the heat produced in the system grew, increasing the entropy of its surroundings by jostling nearby particles . . . "If a clock is more accurate, you are paying for it somehow," says Ares.'

    Options A and D are easily verified to be true, based on the lines 'The relationship that the researchers found is a limit on the accuracy of a clock, so it doesn't mean that a clock that creates the most possible entropy would be maximally accurate', and 'Understanding this relationship could be helpful for designing clocks in the future, particularly those used in quantum computers and other devices where both accuracy and temperature are crucial...'.


    Which one of the following sets of words and phrases serves best as keywords of the passage?

    Option C is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    'Measuring time', 'accuracy' and 'entropy' are key ideas in the passage. None of the given options but C mentions 'measuring time', which is what the passage is about.


    None of the following statements can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that:

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    'None of the following statements can be inferred except...' implies only one of the given statements can be inferred. According to the passage, 'Keeping time accurately comes with a price. The maximum accuracy of a clock is directly related to how much disorder, or entropy, it creates every time it ticks.' Since quantum computers are, according to the passage, 'devices where both accuracy and temperature are crucial', it can be inferred that quantum computers are likely to produce more heat and, hence, more entropy, because of the emphasis on accuracy. So, option B is the correct answer choice.

    The passage only states that the 'arrow of time' may be related to increase in entropy in time keeping. Whether or not the arrow of time has been tested for atomic clocks cannot be inferred based on the information given in the passage.

    According to the passage, higher accuracy in timekeeping leads to more heat and more entropy. The converse, however, is not necessarily true. So, option C, too, cannot be inferred.

    In the experiment, the clock with a 50-nanometre-thick membrane of silicon nitride has been made to vibrate, using (not producing) electric currents. So, option D is incorrect.


    Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. Choose its number as your answer and key it in.




    The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.


    Vance Packard’s The Hidden Persuaders alerted the public to the psychoanalytical techniques used by the advertising industry. Its premise was that advertising agencies were using depth interviews to identify hidden consumer motivations, which were then used to entice consumers to buy goods. Critics and reporters often wrongly assumed that Packard was writing mainly about subliminal advertising. Packard never mentioned the word subliminal, however, and devoted very little space to discussions of “subthreshold” effects. Instead, his views largely aligned with the notion that individuals do not always have access to their conscious thoughts and can be persuaded by supraliminal messages without their knowledge.

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    According to the paragraph, Vance Packard found that advertising agencies identify hidden consumer motivation—thoughts that consumers are not aware they have. They use these to persuade consumers to buy, without the consumers themselves being aware of the fact that they are being persuaded. Packard’s theory related not to subliminal (subthreshold of consciousness) advertising but supraliminal (above the threshold of consciousness) advertising. Option 2 sums up all key ideas of the paragraph.


    A distinguishing feature of language is our ability to refer to absent things, known as displaced reference. A speaker can bring distant referents to mind in the absence of any obvious stimuli. Thoughts, not limited to the here and now, can pop into our heads for unfathomable reasons. This ability to think about distant things necessarily precedes the ability to talk about them. Thought precedes meaningful referential communication. A prerequisite for the emergence of human-like meaningful symbols is that the mental categories they relate to can be invoked even in the absence of immediate stimuli.

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The main idea of the given paragraph is that the ability to think about distant things precedes meaningful referential communication. Option 2 sums this up correctly.

    Option 1 is incorrect, as it states that thoughts precede "all speech acts". The paragraph only states that thoughts precede meaningful referential communication. Both options 3 and 4 rule that displaced reference—the ability to think about distant objects—is unique to humans. The paragraph does not say this.


    Physics is a pure science that seeks to understand the behavior of matter without regard to whether it will afford any practical benefit. Engineering is the correlative applied science in which physical theories are put to some specific use, such as building a bridge or a nuclear reactor. Engineers obviously rely heavily on the discoveries of physicists, but an engineer's knowledge of the world is not the same as the physicist's knowledge. In fact, an engineer's know-how will often depend on physical theories that, from the point of view of pure physics, are false. There are some reasons for this. First, theories that are false in the purest and strictest sense are still sometimes very good approximations to the true ones, and often have the added virtue of being much easier to work with. Second, sometimes the true theories apply only under highly idealized conditions which can only be created under controlled experimental situations. The engineer finds that in the real world, theories rejected by physicists yield more accurate predictions than the ones that they accept.

    Option C is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The main idea of the given paragraph is that while engineers rely heavily on discoveries of physicists, an engineer's know-how is shaped by conditions in the real world. Option 2 sums up this idea well.

    Option 1 ignores the key idea of the paragraph –the relationship between physics and engineering—and only talks of the "unique task of the engineer". So, option 1 is not a good summary of the paragraph. Option 2 labels the relationship between pure and applied science as "strictly linear": this too, is clearly incorrect based on the contents of the given paragraph. Option 4 is also incorrect, as it states that engineering and physics "fundamentally differ".


    Vance Packard’s The Hidden Persuaders alerted the public to the psychoanalytical techniques used by the advertising industry. Its premise was that advertising agencies were using depth interviews to identify hidden consumer motivations, which were then used to entice consumers to buy goods. Critics and reporters often wrongly assumed that Packard was writing mainly about subliminal advertising. Packard never mentioned the word subliminal, however, and devoted very little space to discussions of “subthreshold” effects. Instead, his views largely aligned with the notion that individuals do not always have access to their conscious thoughts and can be persuaded by supraliminal messages without their knowledge.

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    According to the paragraph, Vance Packard found that advertising agencies identify hidden consumer motivation—thoughts that consumers are not aware they have. They use these to persuade consumers to buy, without the consumers themselves being aware of the fact that they are being persuaded. Packard’s theory related not to subliminal (subthreshold of consciousness) advertising but supraliminal (above the threshold of consciousness) advertising. Option 2 sums up all key ideas of the paragraph.


    A distinguishing feature of language is our ability to refer to absent things, known as displaced reference. A speaker can bring distant referents to mind in the absence of any obvious stimuli. Thoughts, not limited to the here and now, can pop into our heads for unfathomable reasons. This ability to think about distant things necessarily precedes the ability to talk about them. Thought precedes meaningful referential communication. A prerequisite for the emergence of human-like meaningful symbols is that the mental categories they relate to can be invoked even in the absence of immediate stimuli.

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The main idea of the given paragraph is that the ability to think about distant things precedes meaningful referential communication. Option 2 sums this up correctly.

    Option 1 is incorrect, as it states that thoughts precede "all speech acts". The paragraph only states that thoughts precede meaningful referential communication. Both options 3 and 4 rule that displaced reference—the ability to think about distant objects—is unique to humans. The paragraph does not say this.


    Physics is a pure science that seeks to understand the behavior of matter without regard to whether it will afford any practical benefit. Engineering is the correlative applied science in which physical theories are put to some specific use, such as building a bridge or a nuclear reactor. Engineers obviously rely heavily on the discoveries of physicists, but an engineer's knowledge of the world is not the same as the physicist's knowledge. In fact, an engineer's know-how will often depend on physical theories that, from the point of view of pure physics, are false. There are some reasons for this. First, theories that are false in the purest and strictest sense are still sometimes very good approximations to the true ones, and often have the added virtue of being much easier to work with. Second, sometimes the true theories apply only under highly idealized conditions which can only be created under controlled experimental situations. The engineer finds that in the real world, theories rejected by physicists yield more accurate predictions than the ones that they accept.

    Option C is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The main idea of the given paragraph is that while engineers rely heavily on discoveries of physicists, an engineer's know-how is shaped by conditions in the real world. Option 2 sums up this idea well.

    Option 1 ignores the key idea of the paragraph –the relationship between physics and engineering—and only talks of the "unique task of the engineer". So, option 1 is not a good summary of the paragraph. Option 2 labels the relationship between pure and applied science as "strictly linear": this too, is clearly incorrect based on the contents of the given paragraph. Option 4 is also incorrect, as it states that engineering and physics "fundamentally differ".


    The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4) given below, when properly sequenced would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequence of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer.


    1. Metaphors may map to similar meanings across languages, but their subtle differences can have a profound effect on our understanding of the world.
    2. Latin scholars point out carpe diem is a horticultural metaphor that, particularly seen in the context of its source, is more accurately translated as “plucking the day,” evoking the plucking and gathering of ripening fruits or flowers, enjoying a moment that is rooted in the sensory experience of nature, unrelated to the force implied in seizing.
    3. The phrase carpe diem, which is often translated as “seize the day and its accompanying philosophy, has gone on to inspire countless people in how they live their lives and motivates us to see the world a little differently from the norm.
    4. It’s an example of one of the more telling ways that we mistranslate metaphors from one language to another, revealing in the process our hidden assumptions about what we really value.

    Answer : 3241

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    Explanatory Answer

    Sentence 3 explains the meaning of the phrase ‘carpe diem’ as understood today, while 2 contrasts this to the original Latin meaning. So, 2 follows 3. Sentence 4 follows 2, summarising the point made in 3 and 2 about the mistranslation of metaphors. So, 324 is a unit. Sentence 1 sums up the main idea of the paragraph. So, 3241 is the correct order.


    Which one of the following statements best describes what the passage is about?

    Option C is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The passage states in the first paragraph that the term unconscious 'burst the shell of conventional language, coined as it had been to embody the fleeting ideas and the shifting conceptions of several generations until, finally, it became fixed and defined in specialized terms within the realm of medical psychology and Freudian psychoanalysis.' It goes on to detail how various conceptions and ideas came together between 1700 and 1900, and how the 'massive introduction of the term unconscious by Hartmann in 1869 appeared to focalize many stray thoughts'. Option C sums up what the passage is about best.


    "The enrichments of literary and intellectual language led to an altered understanding of the meanings that underlie time-honored expressions and traditional catchwords." Which one of the following interpretations of this sentence would be closest in meaning to the original?

    Option A is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The given sentence states that the enrichment- improvement/refinement- of literary and intellectual language changed the understanding of the meaning of time-honoured expressions and traditional catchwords. Option A is the correct interpretation.


    All of the following statements may be considered valid inferences from the passage, EXCEPT:

    Option A is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    Option A cannot be inferred from the passage. The passage does not mention anaesthesiology. It only says that with the introduction of the term 'unconscious', it seemed that this new knowledge could, with further elaboration and exploring, provide a bounty of higher understanding.


    Option B can be inferred based on the various examples cited in the second paragraph of the passage.

    The passage says that '...before 1790, few if any spoke, in medical terms, of the affinity between creative genius and the hallucinations of the insane...'. That is, eighteenth century thinkers were the first to perceive a connection between creative genius and insanity.


    Option D states one of the key ideas of the passage: 'The vocabulary concerning the soul and the mind increased enormously in the course of the nineteenth century. The enrichments of literary and intellectual language led to an altered understanding of the meanings that underlie time-honored expressions and traditional catchwords. At the same time, once coined, powerful new ideas attracted to themselves a whole host of seemingly unrelated issues, practices, and experiences, creating a peculiar network of preoccupations that as a group had not existed before.'


    In the last paragraph, the author uses the example of “Residents of upscale residential developments” to illustrate the:

    Option D is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The author states that ‘residents of upscale residential developments have disclosed how important it is to maintain their community’s distinct identity, often by casting themselves in a superior social position and by reinforcing class and racial differences.’ The author cites this example to show how topophilia may be used to reinforce class and racial differences and feeling of superiority.


    Which one of the following best captures the meaning of the statement, “Topophilia is difficult to design for and impossible to quantify . . .”?

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    Note the line before the statement that topophilia is difficult to design for and impossible to quantify: ‘As Tuan noted, purely aesthetic responses often are suddenly revealed, but their intensity rarely is longlasting’. So, the reason why topophilia is difficult to design for is that people’s responses to their environment are subjective, sudden and short-lived.


    Which one of the following comes closest in meaning to the author’s understanding of topophilia?

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The author describes topophilia as an ‘affective’ (emotional) bond between people and place. The tendency to represent one’s land “motherland” or “fatherland” is an example of this.

    Option 1 relates to the bond the French have with their language. Topophilia is emotional bonding with a place.

    Option 3 talks of “a sense of topography”—an understating of the physical features of a place. This is completely different from topophilia.

    Option 4 relates to topophobia whereas the question relates to topophilia.


    Which of the following statements, if true, could be seen as not contradicting the arguments in the passage?

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The question asks us to choose the option that does not contradict the arguments in the passage.

    The author talks about patriotism in the context of ‘darker affiliations between people and place’, used by elites for ‘war preparation and ethnic cleansing’. Option 2 – patriotism, usually seen as a positive feeling, is presented by the author as a darker form of topophilia—does not contradict the arguments in the passage.

    Option 1 states that ‘generally speaking, in a given culture, the ties of the people to their environment vary little in significance or intensity’. This contradicts the arguments in the passage in paragraph 1: ‘the emotive ties with the material environment vary greatly from person to person and in intensity, subtlety, and mode of expression.’

    Option 3 states that ‘New Urbanism succeeded in those designs where architects collaborated with their clients’. This contradicts the statement in paragraph 3 that ‘although motivated by good intentions, such attempts to create places rich in meaning are perhaps bound to disappoint’.

    Option 4 states that the most important, even fundamental, response to our environment is our tactile and olfactory response. The passage merely mentions tactile and olfactory response as ‘a third response to the environment’, not the most important or fundamental.


    The passage below is accompanied by a set of questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

    Today we can hardly conceive of ourselves without an unconscious. Yet between 1700 and 1900, this notion developed as a genuinely original thought. The "unconscious" burst the shell of conventional language, coined as it had been to embody the fleeting ideas and the shifting conceptions of several generations until, finally, it became fixed and defined in specialized terms within the realm of medical psychology and Freudian psychoanalysis.

    The vocabulary concerning the soul and the mind increased enormously in the course of the nineteenth century. The enrichments of literary and intellectual language led to an altered understanding of the meanings that underlie time-honored expressions and traditional catchwords. At the same time, once coined, powerful new ideas attracted to themselves a whole host of seemingly unrelated issues, practices, and experiences, creating a peculiar network of preoccupations that as a group had not existed before. The drawn-out attempt to approach and define the unconscious brought together the spiritualist and the psychical researcher of borderline phenomena (such as apparitions, spectral illusions, haunted houses, mediums, trance, automatic writing); the psychiatrist or alienist probing the nature of mental disease, of abnormal ideation, hallucination, delirium, melancholia, mania; the surgeon performing operations with the aid of hypnotism; the magnetizer claiming to correct the disequilibrium in the universal flow of magnetic fluids but who soon came to be regarded as a clever manipulator of the imagination; the physiologist and the physician who puzzled over sleep, dreams, sleepwalking, anesthesia, the influence of the mind on the body in health and disease; the neurologist concerned with the functions of the brain and the physiological basis of mental life; the philosopher interested in the will, the emotions, consciousness, knowledge, imagination and the creative genius; and, last but not least, the psychologist.

    Significantly, most if not all of these practices (for example, hypnotism in surgery or psychological magnetism) originated in the waning years of the eighteenth century and during the early decades of the nineteenth century, as did some of the disciplines (such as psychology and psychical research). The majority of topics too were either new or assumed hitherto unknown colors. Thus, before 1790, few if any spoke, in medical terms, of the affinity between creative genius and the hallucinations of the insane . 

    Striving vaguely and independently to give expression to a latent conception, various lines of thought can be brought together by some novel term. The new concept then serves as a kind of resting place or stocktaking in the development of ideas, giving satisfaction and a stimulus for further discussion or speculation. Thus, the massive introduction of the term unconscious by Hartmann in 1869 appeared to focalize many stray thoughts, affording a temporary feeling that a crucial step had been taken forward, a comprehensive knowledge gained, a knowledge that required only further elaboration, explication, and unfolding in order to bring in a bounty of higher understanding. Ultimately, Hartmann's attempt at defining the unconscious proved fruitless because he extended its reach into every realm of organic and inorganic, spiritual, intellectual, and instinctive existence, severely diluting the precision and compromising the impact of the concept.




    Which one of the following sets of words is closest to mapping the main arguments of the passage?

    Option C is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The passage describes in detail how the introduction of the term unconscious by Hartmann in 1869 appeared to focalize various fleeting ideas and shifting conceptions over nearly two centuries, till it became fixed and defined within the realm of medical psychology and Freudian psychoanalysis. Option C touches upon all key aspects of the passage.

    Options A, B and D are easily eliminated due to terms such as imagination, magnetism, dreams, literary language and insanity appearing in them. These do not represent the main arguments of the passage.


    Which one of the following statements best describes what the passage is about?

    Option C is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The passage states in the first paragraph that the term unconscious 'burst the shell of conventional language, coined as it had been to embody the fleeting ideas and the shifting conceptions of several generations until, finally, it became fixed and defined in specialized terms within the realm of medical psychology and Freudian psychoanalysis.' It goes on to detail how various conceptions and ideas came together between 1700 and 1900, and how the 'massive introduction of the term unconscious by Hartmann in 1869 appeared to focalize many stray thoughts'. Option C sums up what the passage is about best.


    "The enrichments of literary and intellectual language led to an altered understanding of the meanings that underlie time-honored expressions and traditional catchwords." Which one of the following interpretations of this sentence would be closest in meaning to the original?

    Option A is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The given sentence states that the enrichment- improvement/refinement- of literary and intellectual language changed the understanding of the meaning of time-honoured expressions and traditional catchwords. Option A is the correct interpretation.


    All of the following statements may be considered valid inferences from the passage, EXCEPT:

    Option A is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    Option A cannot be inferred from the passage. The passage does not mention anaesthesiology. It only says that with the introduction of the term 'unconscious', it seemed that this new knowledge could, with further elaboration and exploring, provide a bounty of higher understanding.


    Option B can be inferred based on the various examples cited in the second paragraph of the passage.

    The passage says that '...before 1790, few if any spoke, in medical terms, of the affinity between creative genius and the hallucinations of the insane...'. That is, eighteenth century thinkers were the first to perceive a connection between creative genius and insanity.


    Option D states one of the key ideas of the passage: 'The vocabulary concerning the soul and the mind increased enormously in the course of the nineteenth century. The enrichments of literary and intellectual language led to an altered understanding of the meanings that underlie time-honored expressions and traditional catchwords. At the same time, once coined, powerful new ideas attracted to themselves a whole host of seemingly unrelated issues, practices, and experiences, creating a peculiar network of preoccupations that as a group had not existed before.'


    Which one of the following sets of words is closest to mapping the main arguments of the passage?

    Option C is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The passage describes in detail how the introduction of the term unconscious by Hartmann in 1869 appeared to focalize various fleeting ideas and shifting conceptions over nearly two centuries, till it became fixed and defined within the realm of medical psychology and Freudian psychoanalysis. Option C touches upon all key aspects of the passage.

    Options A, B and D are easily eliminated due to terms such as imagination, magnetism, dreams, literary language and insanity appearing in them. These do not represent the main arguments of the passage.



    As defined by the geographer Yi-Fu Tuan, topophilia is the affective bond between people and place. His 1974 book set forth a wide-ranging exploration of how the emotive ties with the material environment vary greatly from person to person and in intensity, subtlety, and mode of expression. Factors influencing one’s depth of response to the environment include cultural background, gender, race, and historical circumstance, and Tuan also argued that there is a biological and sensory element. Topophilia might not be the strongest of human emotions— indeed, many people feel utterly indifferent toward the environments that shape their lives— but when activated it has the power to elevate a place to become the carrier of emotionally charged events or to be perceived as a symbol.

    Aesthetic appreciation is one way in which people respond to the environment. A brilliantly colored rainbow after gloomy afternoon showers, a busy city street alive with human interaction—one might experience the beauty of such landscapes that had seemed quite ordinary only moments before or that are being newly discovered. This is quite the opposite of a second topophilic bond, namely that of the acquired taste for certain landscapes and places that one knows well. When a place is home, or when a space has become the locus of memories or the means of gaining a livelihood, it frequently evokes a deeper set of attachments than those predicated purely on the visual. A third response to the environment also depends on the human senses but may be tactile and olfactory, namely a delight in the feel and smell of air, water, and the earth.

    Topophilia—and its very close conceptual twin, sense of place—is an experience that, however elusive, has inspired recent architects and planners. Most notably, new urbanism seeks to counter the perceived placelessness of modern suburbs and the decline of central cities through neo-traditional design motifs. Although motivated by good intentions, such attempts to create places rich in meaning are perhaps bound to disappoint. As Tuan noted, purely aesthetic responses often are suddenly revealed, but their intensity rarely is long- lasting. Topophilia is difficult to design for and impossible to quantify, and its most articulate interpreters have been self-reflective philosophers such as Henry David Thoreau, evoking a marvelously intricate sense of place at Walden Pond, and Tuan, describing his deep affinity for the desert.

    Topophilia connotes a positive relationship, but it often is useful to explore the darker affiliations between people and place. Patriotism, literally meaning the love of one’s terra patria or homeland, has long been cultivated by governing elites for a range of nationalist projects, including war preparation and ethnic cleansing. Residents of upscale residential developments have disclosed how important it is to maintain their community’s distinct identity, often by casting themselves in a superior social position and by reinforcing class and racial differences. And just as a beloved landscape is suddenly revealed, so too may landscapes of fear cast a dark shadow over a place that makes one feel a sense of dread or anxiety—or topophobia.




    The word “topophobia” in the passage is used:

    Option is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    Note the context in which topophobia is mentioned in the passage: ‘And just as a beloved landscape is suddenly revealed, so too may landscapes of fear cast a dark shadow over a place that makes one feel a sense of dread or anxiety—or topophobia’. That is, topophobia is a fear of certain places.


    In the last paragraph, the author uses the example of “Residents of upscale residential developments” to illustrate the:

    Option D is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The author states that ‘residents of upscale residential developments have disclosed how important it is to maintain their community’s distinct identity, often by casting themselves in a superior social position and by reinforcing class and racial differences.’ The author cites this example to show how topophilia may be used to reinforce class and racial differences and feeling of superiority.


    Which one of the following best captures the meaning of the statement, “Topophilia is difficult to design for and impossible to quantify . . .”?

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    Note the line before the statement that topophilia is difficult to design for and impossible to quantify: ‘As Tuan noted, purely aesthetic responses often are suddenly revealed, but their intensity rarely is longlasting’. So, the reason why topophilia is difficult to design for is that people’s responses to their environment are subjective, sudden and short-lived.


    Which one of the following comes closest in meaning to the author’s understanding of topophilia?

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The author describes topophilia as an ‘affective’ (emotional) bond between people and place. The tendency to represent one’s land “motherland” or “fatherland” is an example of this.

    Option 1 relates to the bond the French have with their language. Topophilia is emotional bonding with a place.

    Option 3 talks of “a sense of topography”—an understating of the physical features of a place. This is completely different from topophilia.

    Option 4 relates to topophobia whereas the question relates to topophilia.


    Which of the following statements, if true, could be seen as not contradicting the arguments in the passage?

    Option B is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    The question asks us to choose the option that does not contradict the arguments in the passage.

    The author talks about patriotism in the context of ‘darker affiliations between people and place’, used by elites for ‘war preparation and ethnic cleansing’. Option 2 – patriotism, usually seen as a positive feeling, is presented by the author as a darker form of topophilia—does not contradict the arguments in the passage.

    Option 1 states that ‘generally speaking, in a given culture, the ties of the people to their environment vary little in significance or intensity’. This contradicts the arguments in the passage in paragraph 1: ‘the emotive ties with the material environment vary greatly from person to person and in intensity, subtlety, and mode of expression.’

    Option 3 states that ‘New Urbanism succeeded in those designs where architects collaborated with their clients’. This contradicts the statement in paragraph 3 that ‘although motivated by good intentions, such attempts to create places rich in meaning are perhaps bound to disappoint’.

    Option 4 states that the most important, even fundamental, response to our environment is our tactile and olfactory response. The passage merely mentions tactile and olfactory response as ‘a third response to the environment’, not the most important or fundamental.


    The word “topophobia” in the passage is used:

    Option is the correct answer.

    Video Explanation

    Explanatory Answer

    Note the context in which topophobia is mentioned in the passage: ‘And just as a beloved landscape is suddenly revealed, so too may landscapes of fear cast a dark shadow over a place that makes one feel a sense of dread or anxiety—or topophobia’. That is, topophobia is a fear of certain places.


    Folk Music

    "Free of the taint of manufacture" – that phrase, in particular, is heavily loaded with the ideology of what the Victorian socialist William Morris called the "anti-scrape", or an anti- capitalist conservationism (not conservatism) that solaced itself with the vision of a pre- industrial golden age. In Britain, folk may often appear a cosy, fossilised form, but when you look more closely, the idea of folk – who has the right to sing it, dance it, invoke it, collect it, belong to it or appropriate it for political or cultural ends – has always been contested territory. . . .

    In our own time, though, the word "folk" . . . has achieved the rare distinction of occupying fashionable and unfashionable status simultaneously. Just as the effusive floral prints of the radical William Morris now cover genteel sofas, so the revolutionary intentions of many folk historians and revivalists have led to music that is commonly regarded as parochial and conservative. And yet – as newspaper columns periodically rejoice – folk is hip again, influencing artists, clothing and furniture designers, celebrated at music festivals, awards ceremonies and on TV, reissued on countless record labels. Folk is a sonic "shabby chic", containing elements of the uncanny and eerie, as well as an antique veneer, a whiff of Britain's heathen dark ages. The very obscurity and anonymity of folk music's origins open up space for rampant imaginative fancies. . . .

    [Cecil Sharp, who wrote about this subject, believed that] folk songs existed in constant transformation, a living example of an art form in a perpetual state of renewal. "One man sings a song, and then others sing it after him, changing what they do not like" is the most concise summary of his conclusions on its origins. He compared each rendition of a ballad to an acorn falling from an oak tree; every subsequent iteration sows the song anew. But there is tension in newness. In the late 1960s, purists were suspicious of folk songs recast in rock idioms. Electrification, however, comes in many forms. For the early-20th-century composers such as Vaughan Williams and Holst, there were thunderbolts of inspiration from oriental mysticism, angular modernism and the body blow of the first world war, as well as input from the rediscovered folk tradition itself.

    For the second wave of folk revivalists, such as Ewan MacColl and AL Lloyd, starting in the 40s, the vital spark was communism's dream of a post-revolutionary New Jerusalem. For their younger successors in the 60s, who thronged the folk clubs set up by the old guard, the lyrical freedom of Dylan and the unchained melodies of psychedelia created the conditions for folk- rock's own golden age, a brief Indian summer that lasted from about 1969 to 1971. . . . Four decades on, even that progressive period has become just one more era ripe for fashionable emulation and pastiche. The idea of a folk tradition being exclusively confined to oral transmission has become a much looser, less severely guarded concept. Recorded music and television, for today's metropolitan generation, are where the equivalent of folk memories are seeded. . . .




    The author says that folk “may often appear a cosy, fossilised form” because:

    Option is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The description of folk as “cosy” and “fossilized” suggests that folk tends to be looked at with nostalgia, as something old-fashioned and set in the past. Also note the reference to ‘vision of a preindustrial golden age’ in the previous line.


    All of the following are causes for plurality and diversity within the British folk tradition EXCEPT:

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The question asks us to choose the option that is not a cause for plurality and diversity (rich variety) within the British folk tradition.

    The author describes folk as ‘living example of an art form in a perpetual state of renewal’, because in folk music ‘one man sings a song, and then others sing it after him, changing what they do not like’. He observes that folk contains ‘elements of the uncanny and eerie, as well as an antique veneer, a whiff of Britain's heathen dark ages’ and that ‘the very obscurity and anonymity of folk music's origins open up space for rampant imaginative fancies.’ Note that the author mentions the oral mode of transmission, the fact that that British folk forms can be traced to the remote past of the country (antique veneer) and traces of pagan influence from the dark ages (heathen dark ages) as factors that influence the constant transformation seen in folk music.

    The fact that folk is both popular and unpopular does not in any way affect the plurality and diversity within British folk. So, option 2 is the correct answer.


    At a conference on folk forms, the author of the passage is least likely to agree with which one of the following views?

    Option C is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    The question asks us to choose the option that the author is least likely to agree with i.e. the option he is likely to disagree with. Option 3, which talks of ‘homogeneity with each change’ (uniformity) in folk music is clearly incorrect, as the passage is about the perpetual state of renewal folk music is under and about the plurality and diversity observed in the British folk tradition.

    Option 1—the power of folk resides in its contradictory ability to influence and be influenced by the present while remaining rooted in the past— is inferred by the author’s description of folk as sonic ‘shabby chic’ (stylish while being, at the same time, old), and having ‘the rare distinction of occupying fashionable and unfashionable status simultaneously’.

    Option 2—folk forms, despite their archaic origins, remain intellectually relevant in contemporary times—is inferred from paragraph 2: ‘folk is hip again, influencing artists, clothing and furniture designers, celebrated at music festivals, awards ceremonies and on TV, reissued on countless record labels’.

    Option 4—the plurality and democratising impulse of folk forms emanate from the improvisation that its practitioners bring to it— is inferred from Cecil Sharpe’s description of folk: ‘each rendition of a ballad to an acorn falling from an oak tree; every subsequent iteration sows the song anew’.


    The primary purpose of the reference to William Morris and his floral prints is to show:

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Consider the reference to William Morris in the passage: ‘Just as the effusive floral prints of the radical William Morris now cover genteel sofas, so the revolutionary intentions of many folk historians and revivalists have led to music that is commonly regarded as parochial and conservative.’ That is, what was once thought of as revolutionary later came to be seen as traditional or conformist in folk.


    The author says that folk “may often appear a cosy, fossilised form” because:

    Option is the correct answer.

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    The description of folk as “cosy” and “fossilized” suggests that folk tends to be looked at with nostalgia, as something old-fashioned and set in the past. Also note the reference to ‘vision of a preindustrial golden age’ in the previous line.


    All of the following are causes for plurality and diversity within the British folk tradition EXCEPT:

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    The question asks us to choose the option that is not a cause for plurality and diversity (rich variety) within the British folk tradition.

    The author describes folk as ‘living example of an art form in a perpetual state of renewal’, because in folk music ‘one man sings a song, and then others sing it after him, changing what they do not like’. He observes that folk contains ‘elements of the uncanny and eerie, as well as an antique veneer, a whiff of Britain's heathen dark ages’ and that ‘the very obscurity and anonymity of folk music's origins open up space for rampant imaginative fancies.’ Note that the author mentions the oral mode of transmission, the fact that that British folk forms can be traced to the remote past of the country (antique veneer) and traces of pagan influence from the dark ages (heathen dark ages) as factors that influence the constant transformation seen in folk music.

    The fact that folk is both popular and unpopular does not in any way affect the plurality and diversity within British folk. So, option 2 is the correct answer.


    At a conference on folk forms, the author of the passage is least likely to agree with which one of the following views?

    Option C is the correct answer.

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    The question asks us to choose the option that the author is least likely to agree with i.e. the option he is likely to disagree with. Option 3, which talks of ‘homogeneity with each change’ (uniformity) in folk music is clearly incorrect, as the passage is about the perpetual state of renewal folk music is under and about the plurality and diversity observed in the British folk tradition.

    Option 1—the power of folk resides in its contradictory ability to influence and be influenced by the present while remaining rooted in the past— is inferred by the author’s description of folk as sonic ‘shabby chic’ (stylish while being, at the same time, old), and having ‘the rare distinction of occupying fashionable and unfashionable status simultaneously’.

    Option 2—folk forms, despite their archaic origins, remain intellectually relevant in contemporary times—is inferred from paragraph 2: ‘folk is hip again, influencing artists, clothing and furniture designers, celebrated at music festivals, awards ceremonies and on TV, reissued on countless record labels’.

    Option 4—the plurality and democratising impulse of folk forms emanate from the improvisation that its practitioners bring to it— is inferred from Cecil Sharpe’s description of folk: ‘each rendition of a ballad to an acorn falling from an oak tree; every subsequent iteration sows the song anew’.


    The primary purpose of the reference to William Morris and his floral prints is to show:

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Explanatory Answer

    Consider the reference to William Morris in the passage: ‘Just as the effusive floral prints of the radical William Morris now cover genteel sofas, so the revolutionary intentions of many folk historians and revivalists have led to music that is commonly regarded as parochial and conservative.’ That is, what was once thought of as revolutionary later came to be seen as traditional or conformist in folk.


    Emperor Penguins

    Scientists recently discovered that Emperor Penguins—one of Antarctica’s most celebrated species—employ a particularly unusual technique for surviving the daily chill. As detailed in an article published today in the journal Biology Letters, the birds minimize heat loss by keeping the outer surface of their plumage below the temperature of the surrounding air. At the same time, the penguins’ thick plumage insulates their body and keeps it toasty. . . .

    The researchers analyzed thermographic images . . . taken over roughly a month during June 2008. During that period, the average air temperature was 0.32 degrees Fahrenheit. At the same time, the majority of the plumage covering the penguins’ bodies was even colder: the surface of their warmest body part, their feet, was an average 1.76 degrees Fahrenheit, but the plumage on their heads, chests and backs were -1.84, -7.24 and -9.76 degrees Fahrenheit respectively. Overall, nearly the entire outer surface of the penguins’ bodies was below freezing at all times, except for their eyes and beaks. The scientists also used a computer simulation to determine how much heat was lost or gained from each part of the body—and discovered that by keeping their outer surface below air temperature, the birds might paradoxically be able to draw very slight amounts of heat from the air around them. The key to their trick is the difference between two different types of heat transfer: radiation and convection.

    The penguins do lose internal body heat to the surrounding air through thermal radiation, just as our bodies do on a cold day. Because their bodies (but not surface plumage) are warmer than the surrounding air, heat gradually radiates outward over time, moving from a warmer material to a colder one. To maintain body temperature while losing heat, penguins, like all warm-blooded animals, rely on the metabolism of food. The penguins, though, have an additional strategy. Since their outer plumage is even colder than the air, the simulation showed that they might gain back a little of this heat through thermal convection—the transfer of heat via the movement of a fluid (in this case, the air). As the cold Antarctic air cycles around their bodies, slightly warmer air comes into contact with the plumage and donates minute amounts of heat back to the penguins, then cycles away at a slightly colder temperature.

    Most of this heat, the researchers note, probably doesn’t make it all the way through the plumage and back to the penguins’ bodies, but it could make a slight difference. At the very least, the method by which a penguin’s plumage wicks heat from the bitterly cold air that surrounds it helps to cancel out some of the heat that’s radiating from its interior. And given the Emperors’ unusually demanding breeding cycle, every bit of warmth counts. . . . Since [penguins trek as far as 75 miles to the coast to breed and male penguins] don’t eat anything during [the incubation period of 64 days], conserving calories by giving up as little heat as possible is absolutely crucial.




    In the last sentence of paragraph 3, “slightly warmer air” and “at a slightly colder temperature” refer to ______ AND ______ respectively:

    Option D is the correct answer.

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    Paragraph 3 describes how penguins draw heat from the cold Antarctic air through thermal convection: ‘Since their outer plumage is even colder than the air, the simulation showed that they might gain back a little of this heat through thermal convection—the transfer of heat via the movement of a fluid (in this case, the air). As the cold Antarctic air cycles around their bodies, slightly warmer air comes into contact with the plumage and donates minute amounts of heat back to the penguins, then cycles away at a slightly colder temperature.


    Which of the following best explains the purpose of the word “paradoxically” as used by the author?

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    Note the context in which the author uses the word ‘paradoxically’: ‘ keeping their outer surface below air temperature, the birds might paradoxically be able to draw very slight amounts of heat from the air around them.’ That is, the penguins manage to actually draw heat from the cold Antarctic air by keeping their outer surface temperature below the air temperature. This is best explained by option 2.

    Option 1 talks of penguins keeping ‘their body colder’. This is incorrect. Penguins only manage to keep the plumage on certain parts of their body colder than the surrounding air. Options 3 and 4 talk about thermal radiation which is not relevant in the given context.


    All of the following, if true, would negate the findings of the study reported in the passage EXCEPT:

    Option D is the correct answer.

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    The question asks us to choose the answer option which would not negate the findings of the study reported in the passage.

    Consider option 1. If the penguins’ plumage were made of a material that did not allow any heat transfer through convection or radiation, then the birds cannot minimize heat loss using their plumage. This negates the findings of the study.

    Let us look at option 2. If the average air temperature recorded during the month of June 2008 in the area of study were –10 degrees Fahrenheit (instead of 0.32 degrees Fahrenheit reported in the study) and the penguins’ plumage on their heads, chests and backs were at -1.84, -7.24 and -9.76 degrees Fahrenheit, then the birds’ plumage would be warmer than the surrounding air, making heat gain due to convection impossible. So, option 2 too goes against the findings of the study.

    Consider option 3. If the temperature of the plumage on the penguins’ heads, chests and backs were found to be 1.84, 7.24 and 9.76 degrees Fahrenheit respectively, then the plumage would be much warmer than the surrounding air. This would mean heat loss for the penguins. Option 3, too, negates the findings of the study.

    Let us look at option 4. If the average temperature of the feet of penguins in the month of June 2008 were found to be 2.76 degrees Fahrenheit, instead of 1.76 degrees Fahrenheit, the findings of the study would still hold good. This is the option that does not negate the findings of the study.


    Which of the following can be responsible for Emperor Penguins losing body heat?

    Option B is the correct answer.

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    See the last lines of the passage; ‘...given the Emperors’ unusually demanding breeding cycle, every bit of warmth counts. . . . Since penguins trek as far as 75 miles to the coast to breed and male penguins don’t eat anything during the incubation period of 64 days, conserving calories by giving up as little heat as possible is absolutely crucial.’


    In the last sentence of paragraph 3, “slightly warmer air” and “at a slightly colder temperature” refer to ______ AND ______ respectively:

    Option D is the correct answer.

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    Paragraph 3 describes how penguins draw heat from the cold Antarctic air through thermal convection: ‘Since their outer plumage is even colder than the air, the simulation showed that they might gain back a little of this heat through thermal convection—the transfer of heat via the movement of a fluid (in this case, the air). As the cold Antarctic air cycles around their bodies, slightly warmer air comes into contact with the plumage and donates minute amounts of heat back to the penguins, then cycles away at a slightly colder temperature.